10 Essentials You Should Have While Travelling during COVID-19

10 Essentials You Should Have While Travelling during COVID-19

Mar 26, 2025
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If only travelling during COVID-19 would be as simple as throwing in your things in a bag and waltzing off on an impromptu holiday. 

Now you have to think about security, health protocols, sanitisers which country is accepting tourists, the travel rules and what tests to take. With all these extra measures you have to consider before travelling, you are still unsure how the whole trip will pan out.

How to solve these problems? We recommend you pack the following selection of accessories and gadgets to make the rest of the journey smooth and easy.

Read 10 Tips for Travel During Covid-19


1. Temperature Gun  

This device contains an infrared sensor that can quickly measure surface temperature without contacting a person’s skin. The gun measures heat emanating from the surface of a person’s body; therefore, it is important to hold it at a correct distance. Don’t hold them too far from the person’s forehead, causing unusually low-temperature readings, or hold them too close and get a high reading.

2. UV-C light Wand

Sunlight contains three types of UV. We are familiar with UV-A and UV-B that we absorb on daily basis. The third type: UV-C, which ranges from 100 to 280 nanometers, destroys genetic material depending on the dose —  optical energy output, the distance from the between surface and source and time of exposure. Some say to hold the light 5 cm above the surface for 5 to 10 seconds; others say to hold it longer than 30 seconds. But using UVC requires extreme caution as exposure to the eyes or body is harmful. Please educate yourself on how to use it, know the cons and how to protect yourself before buying the device. And remember not to confuse LED with UV-C. 


3. Ergonomic Travel Pillow 

Who doesn’t covet a good sleep? Anywhere you are, a good sleep makes for a better disposition avoiding cricks in the neck or sore back and a headache. While travelling in a car or a flight or waiting in a lounge, an Ergonomic Travel Pillow is a carry-on must-have. It will provide you with a comfortable position to doze off. Buy a good memory foam neck-supporting travel pillow designed to correct posture and support lumbar alignment so you can sleep better, find comfort in your flight seat


4. Travel Carry-on Foot Rest

A footrest along with a pillow will give you a comfortable time while flying. There are plenty of options to choose from here; it depends on your preference, what kind of angle and height you find most comfortable for your feet. The adjustable sling-style footrest attaches under the seat in front of you, forming a nice little hammock for you to rest your feet. The inflatable footrest quickly inflates using wide, double-seal air valves, and deflation takes only a few seconds. It works well as a travel bed for kids when placed in the leg space or as a leg and footrest for adults.


5. Disinfecting Wipes or Spray

A sure thing to come in handy while you travel is a pack of disinfecting wipes or disinfecting spray, a quick and convenient way to disinfect any dry surface. You can use them to wipe down surfaces before you touch them, such as the airport check-in screen or seats in the waiting lounge, the armrests of your seat. You can use them to thoroughly sanitize your hotel room when you first arrive. It is advised to use a cleaner that's at least 70% alcohol, if possible.

6. Portable Coffee maker / Minipresso

You are travelling, and you fancy a hot coffee but want to avoid buying beverages from a public place; maybe you are going to a place where they don’t have a café, or you have planned to go hiking, camping, stay in a hotel, or simply enjoy a great coffee at the office - a hand-powered portable coffee maker will work best in these scenarios. A portable espresso machine helps you concoct amazing shots close to that of traditional quality so that you enjoy a delicious espresso anywhere, anytime.

7. Water Purifier Bottle

One golden rule to stay fit is to stay hydrated, so we must ensure that the water we’re drinking is of the utmost purity and potability. And when we travel abroad, especially to places with poor sanitation and suspect water supplies, we end up spending helplessly on branded bottled water, the only solution we resort to. What you can rely on for safe, clean drinking water at all times on the road is a personal, portable water purifier

They come in different capacity and colour that you can carry with you wherever you’re travelling to. The filter cartridge in the bottle improves taste and protects against bacteria, parasites, microplastics, chlorine, dirt, sand, and cloudiness and heavy metals in everyday tap water. Another benefit is environmental care; you won’t need to dispose of thousands of plastic water bottles.

8. Mini First Aid Kit

We need a first aid kit at some time, so take the time to prepare a kit to have available for travel. First aid travel kits need to be more comprehensive because a medical store may or may not be accessible. Besides the standard medical items, the kit should contain items to help ease the common symptoms of viral respiratory infections, such as fever, nasal congestion, cough or sore throat.

In light of COVID-19, it should also have: 

  • Additional masks
  • Sanitiser 
  • Disposable gloves
  • Thermometer

9. Automated Travel Vacuum 

Do you know when you pack bags, half of the space inside is just puffed up because of air? If you have travel planned and want to make it hassle-free and get out of the airport faster without worrying about waiting for the luggage, then make a compact bag with more packing space. Use an Automated Travel Vacuum to removes the air and compresses items placed inside reusable bags. With this, you can easily make the check-in luggage into carry-on luggage. 


10. Wrinkle-free Shirt Carrier

You are travelling for a meeting, and no matter how good you fold clothes and pack your luggage, keeping an ironed shirt wrinkle-free is a hard task. Taking out your shirt to find it in a sorry condition is quite bothersome; you can get it ironed, of course, but you don’t want to give it to someone else feeling cautious. So unless you take along an iron which is also a practical item to carry, your best option is a Wrinkle-free shirt carrier.


While buying any of these gadgets, do a thorough survey and choose as per your needs. 

Read 10 Tips for Travel During Covid-19

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